Five Years Ago


Today is the 17th of December. Five years ago, I muse. That would be the year 2011. Where was I in 2011? I turn the aching creaks of my memory’s already vanishing wheel. That was the year I left another very comfortable job to take a semester learning Mandarin in Chengdu, China. It was to […]

December 17, 2016

The Best Day Of 2016


It’s November 7th.  I had left my house the previous night at 8PM, taking a flight to Mumbai and then an eight-hour long flight to London the next day at 11AM. I had spent some of the time on the flight sleeping and some reading. My mind had been restless, I was nervous, yet I […]

December 9, 2016

In The Air


This prompt baffled me. What exactly is “in the air?” It made me remember the phrase “there’s magic in the air.” Then, I found other phrases. “There’s a rumor in the air.” “There’s something in the air.” We build castles “in the air.” There is “spring/love in the air.” I looked at all these idioms […]

December 6, 2016

Fave Book Of 2016


After the Fave Photo of 2016, this next prompt made me grimace. I hate getting into the best of the best lists. Especially, when it comes to books. I read more books this year than the last, almost 52 books at the time of writing this post. Considering that most of this year I spent […]

December 5, 2016

Fave Photo of 2016


I have traveled to many places over the years with my closest traveling companion, Birdy. Together, we have fought, smiled, laughed our way through narrow streets, wide highways, soaring passes, and plunging crevasses. On each and every journey, I would also have a third companion: Birdy’s camera. Her first camera was called Bozo. I don’t […]

December 3, 2016

On The Table


This is the last month of this year. A year that I would struggle to put into words. A year that is testing me, having fun with me and taking me on different journeys. When my wonderful friend, Dorothee, posted on her Facebook status about a month of December reflections, I thought to myself, why […]

December 1, 2016



I had a strange dream last night where I dreamt of my old dog, Bambi. She was a gorgeous Labrador cross who I adopted late in life. I dreamt that I had left her locked in my bedroom in my house, and gone to stay in my parents’ house. In the morning, I wake up […]

September 4, 2016

The Thing About Weddings


I am not much of a believer in societally sanctioned ways of living together. The thing called love doesn’t much understand itself in a legal contract, but it’s the way we do business. Ooops, I mean relationships. I am always afraid my dislike for institutionalized marriage might come across as a judgement on the sanity […]

August 14, 2016

The Lucky Star


I read this. “A star falls from the sky and into your hands. Then it seeps through your veins and swims inside your blood and becomes every part of you. And then you have to put it back into the sky. And it’s the most painful thing you’ll ever have to do and that you’ve […]

May 12, 2016