The Art Of Conflicts: With Siddhidha Kabara


Let me tell you a story… A few years ago, sometime in 2015, I had the worst conflict of my life. I was with one of the best people in my life—my co-founder and the one friend I can trust not to leave. That time, we were angry with each other – the sort of […]

June 17, 2024

Blessings And Angels


Let me tell you a story… I go for a walk every evening. I stay in an apartment surrounded by lush gardens and huge trees—walking here is a delight. I see an assortment of people on my walk. The old couple who always walks hand in hand. Screaming kids. Weary mothers. The fast walker who […]

April 18, 2024

Writing: Loss And Its Layers

Musings, Writing

Here’s a story for you. Sometime in 2020, I had a meeting by the beach in Chennai with one woman who I thought was a friend but never was. It was a weird, discombobulated meeting, one of skirting around edges, and one where I returned feeling I hadn’t said anything I wanted to. I tried […]

April 13, 2024

Who We Are When We Love


Sometimes love is just this. I have gone through about 2 years now of seeing the greatest love of my life, my mother, in pain. Relentless, unremitting pain. I have seen someone who makes me laugh with her curiosity, who taught me to see the world, to embrace the world with wide-eyed wonder, under house […]

April 11, 2024

The Last Run

Musings, Running

It was about 9:45 am. The weather in Mumbai had been pleasant until 9 am. But now, the sun was out. Anyone who has run a marathon will tell you that the last 5 km are the most excruciating. That is when your mind plays tricks. It colludes with a broken body. It whispers that […]

February 7, 2024

In Grace We Are

Mental Health, Musings

It’s early Sunday morning. One of our clients wants to “talk.” I am nervous. We had a bit of an uncomfortable discussion around payment on Friday. I call them.  She picks up. “I want to say that we are truly sorry. We allowed our biases to creep in. We talk so much about biases, but […]

February 4, 2024

To Choose To Live

Featured, Musings

Let me tell you a story. A travel story. In 2003, I was teaching Spoken English in a tiny city called Lianyungang, China.  It was the first time I was in a foreign country. Living by myself. Teaching a language I wasn’t confident speaking. And had narrowly escaped the confines of a Chinese prison. (A story […]

January 25, 2024

The Start Is Just As Important

Musings, Running

My left knee throbs as I write this. It reminds me of its existence, a sudden flare-up of a pain I have been managing for 1.5 months now. Pointed stars of pain. I am used to it, but the thing about pain is that it always hurts. In 3 days, I will run my first […]

January 17, 2024

When Mondays Meant Saris


When Mondays meant saris… My first job after graduating was as a teacher at Jain International Residential School. There were many other firsts: It was my first time as a teacher. Studying a paper called ‘Teaching English as a Foreign Language’ can in no way prepare you to meet a bunch of raucous 5th graders. […]

June 26, 2023