The Best Day Of 2017


This was easy. There are all kinds of families, as Tolstoy once wrote, and I have paraphrased him horribly. My family is one of a kind too. My family is one that doesn’t go out too much together. We don’t really travel together much. We are not even the sort who frequent restaurants together all […]

December 3, 2017



I have never really been fascinated by the color red. Black has always been my color of choice. My wardrobe is filled with black. My moods are often black. I crave the darkness of the night. But when I think of ‘red’ and I think of 2017, I am reminded of one thing – red […]

December 2, 2017



A year earlier, I was part of a wonderful Facebook group called ‘Reflections.’ The goal of that group is to encourage sharing through a series of thoughtful and insightful prompts through the month of December. I so enjoyed my prompts last year that I decided to join the challenge this year as well. The first […]

November 30, 2017

What I Read In October


Just so swift is this year’s end. How quickly Time seems to be casting its hours into days! Surely it can’t be 365 days soon! The Universe must have made a mistake, I think. Yet, as I write this, I am filled with joy for this year. What a beautiful year I have had. Filled […]

November 12, 2017

An Ode To My Soulmate: Goodbye Is Not A Word


am not a person who believes that soulmates are only of the romantic sort. No. To me, soulmates are anyone with whom we have an intense soul connection . Such soul connections are not always easy. Having a soulmate is not about looking at the stars but gazing at the embers in the ashes of […]

October 25, 2017

What I Read In September


What a beautiful month September was! But then, September has always been kind to me. I love this month for the gentle changes it brings – it’s not quite the end of the year, but it sends a reminder of the months gone by, the fallen leaves of the detritus of the past. It’s a […]

October 21, 2017

In What Ways Are You Holding Yourself Back?


Last year, I joined a delightful Facebook group that invited us to reflect on the year that was passing us by with a series of daily prompts. That group then inspired another called Simple Life, Happy Life. This month, the admin of that group decided to start a lovely little journaling exercise for the month […]

October 1, 2017

Where Is The Ikigai In My Life?


The other day, I came across an article that mentioned ikigai. Having been to Japan last year and having fallen in love with the country, I was intrigued. What is Ikigai? According to Wikipedia: As I dug deeper, I realized that ikigai has exploded into the world recently, much like hygge. Scores of articles now […]

October 1, 2017