The Best Day Of 2017


This was easy. There are all kinds of families, as Tolstoy once wrote, and I have paraphrased him horribly. My family is one of a kind too. My family is one that doesn’t go out too much together. We don’t really travel together much. We are not even the sort who frequent restaurants together all […]

December 3, 2017



I have never really been fascinated by the color red. Black has always been my color of choice. My wardrobe is filled with black. My moods are often black. I crave the darkness of the night. But when I think of ‘red’ and I think of 2017, I am reminded of one thing – red […]

December 2, 2017



A year earlier, I was part of a wonderful Facebook group called ‘Reflections.’ The goal of that group is to encourage sharing through a series of thoughtful and insightful prompts through the month of December. I so enjoyed my prompts last year that I decided to join the challenge this year as well. The first […]

November 30, 2017

My Word For 2017


I had been staring at this prompt for a while now. It took me an hour of staring and mindless browsing before the word for 2017 came to me. Faith. I want this to be my word for 2017. Faith that the Universe will continue to be kind. Faith to believe in dreams. Faith that […]

December 31, 2016

Thank You For…


Gratitude. It’s a strange word, this. It has received an explosion in popularity over the last decade and more. We have gratitude meditation, gratitude journals, and even courses that teach you the art of gratitude. Gratitude has been proven to be a happiness expander. The more we have things we are grateful for, the happier […]

December 30, 2016

My Wish For 2017


The other day, a friend asked me: What is your dream? I said I dream of earning just enough to travel, to maintain a living where I can provide for my parents, to be able to have the time to read and write, to live without succumbing to the pressures of time. “Those are just […]

December 29, 2016

A Quiet Moment


I had read this prompt early this morning. I thought that I will honor this prompt. I shall spend a quiet moment today. A moment where I will take my book and I will sit in the park outside my apartment on that bench I had been eyeing all these months. Yes, that’s my quiet […]

December 28, 2016

My Smile


I smiled when I saw the prompt for today. This photo of mine was taken in Edinburgh, Scotland in November this year. I was with a much-loved friend after a long time. It was cold but I was warm inside. We had ice cream. And I smiled from my heart.

December 27, 2016



What a beautiful word. Nourish. I think of all the possible permutations in sound. Now Rich, if you have a lisp. New Rich, as well. Now Rise, if you want to pronounce it differently. The words all carry the same meaning. I read this in the morning and I thought I should nourish myself. I […]

December 26, 2016