I have fought against it. Resisted it. Battled it. Yet, I find myself shaking off the cobwebs of online obscurity. Like a baby that has opened it’s eyes to the world, I find myself on the Internet. These pages might offer succor to the weary, I hope. I kid myself. I do not dream of you waking up bleary-eyed on a morning, and sitting down with your cup of coffee or tea as is my wont to just read the latest of the dreary happenings in my life. But I realize that there is a freedom in throwing yourself out. I don’t have grand escapades planned. I am at the beginning of the end of what I think I knew of life. The certainty of it, and the dogged uncertainty of moving ahead, and wondering if I will succeed.
Or fail.
There will be travel. There will be tears. There are no rosy optimistic be eternally happy kind of posts from me. I don’t think I have ever known that kind. Yet, today I realize that the only pursuit, if so we must pursue, is the pursuit of happiness. Yes, preachy, but there it is. Of all the years I have spent on this earth, I know that of all of the steps I have climbed, this is the one summit that has eluded me the most. This blog will try to make sense of the steps. To find out of happiness exists. And does really money matter? It does. It does very much. And to live knowing that there is only the road to be taken.
Join me on this journey. Stumble or fall, perhaps the moss might grow under my feet. But, I am out there, and shouting this barbaric yawp over the rooftops of my little world.