When Little Things Mean Something


I wake up these days feeling like I have never slept. I don’t know what it is – the lethargy of a hot summer kicking in? Or the ennui of each day that yawns itself into monotony? Or just the excesses of an adrenaline-packed week in Shanghai? After a gap of just over 7 months, […]

February 26, 2012

Chinese Corners


The other day, while having lunch at my favorite noodles place, I met a girl who looks remarkably Indian. I had been curious about her – I had seen her fleetingly, and she was usually with the Thais. There is another woman who looks so much like Rani Mukherjee, but is from Chile. Turns out […]

June 19, 2011

Cherry Picking and Silk


Last Saturday, Yoke called us to go “cherry picking, drink tea and play mahjong.” Are there better ways to spend a Saturday? Since I couldn’t think of any, we agreed. It was around 10AM when he came knocking on the door. The day was gloomy with a forecast of rain and we were wondering if […]

May 22, 2011

Climbing…and Climbing…and Climbing


After the frustration of day before, it was 7 40AM when we set off from Wuxiangang Parking lot. The students we met warn us that to climb the summit on foot is ‘dangerous.’ “It’s very cold up there,” they say. Take the bus, they urge. “Oh well, we are crazy, ” I laugh. Sigh. I […]

February 28, 2011

Hot and Cold


It’s around 8 degrees Celsius. My fingers move slowly across the keyboard. There is no heating in this room apart from an AC, and the roof needs a new roofing, if you are looking for the best roofing experts you could try here. I sit  here, clad in my full-length jacket. Outside, the sky is […]

February 19, 2011



Ah, I have spent the last two weeks (has it been that long since I wrote here?) being ill. I have been afflicted with a strange bug that doctors have taken two tests to find out and now still require another third one before they find out what it is. So I wait. And now, […]

September 28, 2007

Perhaps I Never Knew


I hyper-ventilated with anger last night. Shivered. Down to the core of my being. It was all a bout of SMSing with that Asshole – but I am more at peace now. I know that he will never heal from the scars that I can inflict on him. It leaves me feeling that at least […]

August 6, 2007

Sunday Search


For the second time, I boarded the Star Ferry. A cultural icon by itself, the ride is all too short for the views it offers. And the price well, the best rides almost come free! Today was the day I met John again. Old friend of mine who had helped me out as a total […]

July 1, 2007

Buddha’s Bar


Saturday morning is twinkled with showers of sun and rays of rain. Clouds dash in and out, casting their shadows on a city that is cloaked with expectations of tomorrow. This tomorrow – Sunday -1st July – will mark a milestone here. Hong Kong has a past like no other. It’s been ruled by vastly […]

June 30, 2007