My Love Affair With Books

Featured, Reading

I don’t remember the exact time in my life. That time I first picked up a book. Smelled the pages, inhaled the story, and fell in love. I must have been 5. I have never stopped loving since then. Books have been the companions who I know will never abandon me. I can trust books – waiting patiently for me, accepting my flaws because they judge you not. You […]

April 23, 2024

Words With Anukrti Upadhyay


Tucked away in the bylanes of Bangalore’s old colonial past is a quaint little bookstore cafe called Champaca. One day, a friend, who curates books there, asked me to follow their social media feed. I did, but I didn’t follow them. (Hush, don’t tell the friend). But because I had checked out their Instagram page, […]

July 1, 2021

Book Of September: Color Purple By Alice Walker

Book Of The Month

I grew up reading ‘Gone With The Wind.’ Then, I thought of slavery in a romanticized, removed manner that had nothing to do with reality. That classic tome, written by a white woman, made me think of slaves as dancing around in the grand, white mansions while their white owners indulged them. The Mammas were […]

October 15, 2020

Book Of July: Sepia Leaves By Amandeep Sandhu

Book Of The Month

The recent death of a popular actor by suicide triggered a wave of conversations in India around mental health in the last few weeks. I don’t watch too many Bollywood movies, but the young actor’s death seemed to have struck a chord across the country. I don’t know why it was so. Was it because […]

August 6, 2020

The Best Reads Of December 2018


The last month of 2018 went by in a rush as did the whole of the year. Well, who cares about 2018? The Gregorian calendar! Despite having the Chinese New Year, and our own Indian celebrations of a new year, we follow this old Gregorian calendar. Greg who? Anyway, it doesn’t matter. Shouldn’t matter. Because […]

January 14, 2019

The Best Reads Of November 2018


A writer, they say, writes for an audience. We are supposed to be intrinsically vain. We are doomed if we have no audience. In today’s world, that audience has expanded to having a social media ‘following.’ Can you imagine how many more plays Shakespeare would have written if he had an audience on Instagram? Imagine […]

December 31, 2018