
Everyday / Tuesday, December 20th, 2016

Ouch. This is tough. I am renowned for being quite prickly when it comes to touch. I tend to flinch from human contact and expressions of physical warmth. So, this word made me smile. I am not the snuggling sort unless it’s someone I am close to. That closeness might take years to develop or a day.

Then I think. Who says that you have to snuggle WITH someone? Why is snuggling associated only with the dependence of companionship? You can snuggle down in your sleeping bag. You can snuggle under your quilt or a favorite blanket. You can snuggle with a book. You can snuggle just about anywhere you feel. It’s not snuggling that matters. It’s just the feeling of touch. Of being one with someone or something in you. It’s the feeling of comfort we derive in knowing that things, at this moment, are just the way they ought to be.

In that sense, I want to snuggle with the Universe. I want to snuggle with the stars. I want to snuggle with Life. I want to snuggle with the myriad angry, bizarre, wonderful thoughts my mind keeps giving me. I realize I love a good snuggle as much as anyone else. Coziness and warmth. That’s what we so love.

2 Replies to “Snuggle”

  1. I love your description, Mandy. I think that just about captures a perfect day, doesn’t it? “A warm blanket, a cup of hot chocolate, a fireplace, and a good book.” I agree with you that to be in touch, either with our self or the world around us, is becoming far more important than ever before. We can only wish that next year would bring some peace to this raging world.

  2. <3. Interesting viewpoint on snuggle. When I saw the word, my mind immediately went to a warm blanket, a cup of hot chocolate, a fireplace, and a good book. Not my husband. Though, aside from him, I totally get what you are saying when you claim that it can take years (or not) to get to know another person well enough to "snuggle" with them (by which I don't necessarily mean cuddle – just well enough to confide with another person or share anything special/important to you with them).

    I feel like this is such an important concept (the idea of touch, of comfort) after yesterday's Berlin and Turkey attacks. I can't even imagine how many people in the world need a sense of comfort right now, and that breaks my heart. 🙁

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