Sending You Hope

Everyday / Wednesday, October 5th, 2022

“I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being” — Hafez (via Deeyah Khan)

And Bangalore decided to show me today.

I ran to the tunes of this unexpectedly foggy morning today.

Coconut trees wrapped in dew. Skies shrouded in a pale light. It was a tempo run, but it felt like Life was the tempo today – a beautiful pianist at the peak of her powers, playing her music to the dance of light and shadow. After a while, the sun came out, as it must, and that piano gave way to the crescendo of heavy metal, sending those waves of cloud and mist away.

I ran through this all.

It made me feel that, perhaps, I have seen hope in action today.

That I was shown the astonishing light of being.

What gives you hope these days?

6 Replies to “Sending You Hope”

  1. Glad to see you back with these beautiful pictures:)
    I feel if there’s any source of hope then it’s nature.
    Your beautiful post brought smile and hope . Thank you again

  2. I am so glad to know that you are running in joy again. Thanks for the lovely word picture which illuminates your photos.

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