My Love Affair With Books

Featured, Reading

I don’t remember the exact time in my life. That time I first picked up a book. Smelled the pages, inhaled the story, and fell in love. I must have been 5. I have never stopped loving since then. Books have been the companions who I know will never abandon me. I can trust books – waiting patiently for me, accepting my flaws because they judge you not. You […]

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Knowing When To Let Go

Everyday, Featured

There are many things that the last three years have taught me. But nothing has been more profound a lesson than the art of letting go. Of learning that sometimes some people will always be rotten apples. Picture this. I log in to the MyndStories official Twitter account. It’s a rather abandoned account, as Twitter […]

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To Choose To Live

Featured, Musings

Let me tell you a story. A travel story. In 2003, I was teaching Spoken English in a tiny city called Lianyungang, China.  It was the first time I was in a foreign country. Living by myself. Teaching a language I wasn’t confident speaking. And had narrowly escaped the confines of a Chinese prison. (A story […]

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Meeting Ruskin Bond


“Happiness is a mysterious thing, to be found somewhere between too little and too much.” – Ruskin Bond If you are a book lover, you can’t really visit Mussoorie without realizing that this is Ruskin Bond territory. You see it in the winding roads and rolling hills. You hear it in a chirp or a […]

March 23, 2023

Borderless. Wordless.

Everyday, Musings

When I started writing this blog, I used this as an open journal. A place for my words to nestle. A space for the unsaid and unspoken. I have never actively promoted this blog. There are no Meta Tags for any of the pages. No keyword optimization. For a long while, I would give a […]

March 19, 2023

The Synchronicity Of Words

Mental Health, Musings, podcast

Do you believe in synchronicity? In the mysterious arrangement the Universe sometimes makes on our behalf? I do. Or rather, I don’t believe as much as watch the magic unfold, if I allow the Universe to guide me. Last week, I hosted the lovely Srividya Sivakumar for the MyndStories Minis Podcast. Now, I really don’t […]

March 16, 2023

Meeting Waseem

Everyday, Musings

I had a most interesting morning. A night of vivid dreams, turning impossibilities into presence the way only dreams can. I woke up discombobulated by the dream, feeling tugged by the past. It’s always strange when people not in your life appear like they never left.  A temple. My hand in theirs. Narrow roads. Joy, […]

March 15, 2023

The Cat’s Gifts


I have never been particularly fond of cats. Dogs, with their utter neediness and hopeless, vulnerable love, have been more my friends.  Years ago, almost two decades ago, I was nicknamed the ‘Cat’ at university. I am not sure why, but I think it had something to do with my inherent sarcasm and laziness –  […]

March 9, 2023

Finding The Fun In Life

Mental Health, podcast

How do you create a podcast that surges to the top in just 2 days? How do you create a show that knocks off a therapist talking about dating and relationships? #AskShanty He knows. I don’t consider myself a podcast host – call me a writer if you may be feeling so generous. But podcast […]

March 3, 2023

An Ode To My Valentines


February is the month of love, isn’t it? That Hallmark-magnetized celebration on February 14th?It’s only fitting that I tell you I celebrate this month with not one Valentine but five.  I am not polyamorous, but these Valentines are my forever corners – I go to bed knowing they have my back.  Meet my Valentines: Voozy […]

February 28, 2023

The Kindness Butterfly

Interviews, Writing

Have I been kind? Many times, I find myself asking this question. The answer I get each time is revealing. I am frequently unkind. To myself and others. Short with my time and words and harsh with my flaws. But what is kindness, really? I used to mistake kindness for being ‘nice.’ It resulted in […]

February 20, 2023