What I Read In August


How did September almost come to an end? I shake my head in disbelief. This can’t be happening. Has the world somehow shrunk Time? It seems that the days are running shorter and I am dreading the end of each day, knowing that somehow, inexorably Time is weaving its spider’s web over my life, entangling […]

September 26, 2017

The Art of Humor: Finding Happiness From Humor


Many years ago, I met a friend of mine, Vishy, in a Mexican restaurant in Chennai. That day, I was a bundle of nerves, having had to coordinate a chamber orchestra from Germany that was being sponsored by the company I worked for. It was also the first time I was meeting this friend after […]

August 31, 2017

Nostalgia, my Father


I read the wonderful Bangalore Blue last month by Steven Carvalho. I was so delighted by the nostalgia it evoked that I have been recommending this to anyone I know who loves Bangalore. First, it was my sister. And then, I gave it to my Dad. My father doesn’t read anything apart from a newspaper. […]

August 20, 2017

What I Read In July


I was caught in a bit of a book slump last month. There were a combination of factors for this slump. One was that nothing I read seemed to catch my attention long enough. I was hungry for books that were fast enough to read and not too taxing on my mind. Also, my close […]

August 20, 2017

In Memory – 11 July


Many years ago, on this day, I came home from school to find a crowd in front of my house. As I got out of my friend’s Ambassador car, my stomach churned. Surely, this gathering could not be a friendly family get-together. It wasn’t. As I was about to open the gate, my sister’s sister-in-law […]

July 11, 2017



Another one of my strange drafts found in my Gmail. This must have been after a break-up. Something that must have devastated me enough to write this. And yet, again, I feel I am reliving my life as I read this. I can write that this is exactly how I feel right now. Just right […]

July 5, 2017



On 9.02.09, I wrote the below poem. I try and think why I wrote this. I don’t know. I can’t remember. Just like that, I am reminded of the frailty of memories. Yesterday, I was talking to a beautiful friend of mine. We ended up discussing some of our travel escapades. We laughed when we […]

July 5, 2017

What I Read In June


I went off the reading cliff in June. It’s not that I didn’t have time. I so hate it when people give me that excuse. I just didn’t seem to be able to finish any book that I started. I am currently reading 11 books at the same time! Yes! You read that right. 11. […]

July 4, 2017

Scorn Soul


Another poem I discovered in my Gmail drafts. Writing poetry can be cathartic and therapeutic. I must have written this poem in anger probably more than 10 years earlier. But in a strange case of deja vu, I can say that it echoes every thing I feel right now as well. History keeps repeating itself. […]

July 4, 2017