Vignettes of Smiles

Everyday, Musings

I went running yesterday evening. I take the same route every day. There is something of the routine that calms my mind. I don’t like running. Especially not after a grueling strength workout in the morning. I don’t like running and yet I run every day. I am not supposed to run with a bad […]

May 10, 2016



Abandonment.      the action or fact of abandoning or being abandoned: “she had a feeling of utter abandonment and loneliness” synonyms: desertion · neglect · stranding · jilting · betrayal · disuse · [more] evacuation · neglect · renunciation · relinquishment · rejection · withdrawal · dropping · cessation · discontinuation · termination · stopping · […]

May 5, 2016

Even Green Tea Is Not Green


I write this at a time when the sun is relentless in Bangalore. The light, pale, washed-out sky seems tired. It’s almost a reflection of my mind. I have been trying to be kind to myself – to not beat myself up if I do not work at the same pace as in a “regular […]

April 21, 2016

Sunsets Are Sunrises


Today, as I finished Sylvia Plath’s semi-autobiographical novel, The Bell Jar, and looked up more of her works online, I came across this quote from her journals: “I want to taste and glory in each day, and never be afraid to experience pain; and never shut myself up in a numb core of nonfeeling, or […]

April 13, 2016

Veronika And The Naivety of Cheerleaders


It was one of those evenings when you travel when you have no plans. I had just finished a tiring day of snorkeling, my first ever. In the port city of Dumaguete, I sit by the promenade. The sun is just about to set, as I listen to music and watch a steady stream of […]

April 11, 2016

The Art Of Honesty: I Want Chicken


The last week or so, I have been learning lessons on honesty. Over the years, nothing has annoyed me more than lies and deception. Yes, we all lie. We lie all the time. We tell a friend who we are meeting that we are just around the corner even though we might be stuck in […]

April 4, 2016

Dante And Butterflies


It’s not often that you meet a man called Dante. Come to think of it, I have never met anyone called Dante. Dante the playwright, yes, through his works. But this Dante, I meet in the beautiful Philippines island of Siquijor. On my way to visit Mt. Bandilaan, I see this little sign that says […]

March 31, 2016

The Roots Of Hatred And A Control Panel


I wanted to write more about the Philippines today. But I found that I couldn’t. I got an email notification to renew the hosting of a friend’s website, which I had gifted last year. I clicked on the link for renewal even though I had absolutely no wish to renew the hosting, as the friend […]

March 29, 2016

An Escape To Wine


It’s morning but the heat is already enervating. A dry, barren plain stretches out before me. The air is dry. The landscape almost like a surreal scene from a dystopian flick. The odd patch of green struggling against the aridness. Your car turns the corner, off the Sholapur-Pune highway, onto a rough road, and then […]

March 24, 2016