The Joy Of Running

Everyday / Sunday, April 2nd, 2023

Can you find the fun in today?

Mine was in my run.

I didn’t think it would be fun. I woke up late after a restless night. I was worried if I could run with no toenails.

I had already lost one toenail and another was dangling on to dear life by the last skin. Apprehension and irritation were my friends when I set out.

But not for long. All I had to do was lace up and lean into this day.

I took a deviation from my usual path because the TedTalk I was listening to urged me to have fun.

And suddenly, I was scrambling through a trail, laden with crunchy leaves, mossy ponds, curious dogs πŸ•, and slender branches stretching their yogic pose to a grinning sky.

Turn right and there is a yellow carpet. Bangalore is crowing its beauty through flowers of all hues. A purple here. Pink there. And yellow for some fun.

Past some of the funkiest, cutest bus shelters I had seen. And then finally, to come to a stop where Mr. Khan from Hubli gives me “green” juices for energy.

The juice is a mix of amla, wild berries, beetroot, and other roots lost in translation. I chat with Khan, say hi to a curious priest and run back in joy.

Fun? Ah. We can have it all the time.

Here are the podcasts I listened to on my run.

The power of gratitude:

Why having fun is the secret:Β

And for even more fun, I added my selfie, so that my troll army can comment. πŸ˜„.

I wish you a Sunday of ease and fun.

5 Replies to “The Joy Of Running”

  1. Sweet morning. I would like to hear the fun podcast please. Both links are for the gratitude podcast. Love you. Hugs.

  2. That does sound like fun! Glad you had such a nice little adventure. It’s the small things that bring the biggest joy.

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