Whenever I work from home, I work from a room that looks out to a basketball court, coconut trees, a meandering pathway, and slumbering green grass.
This is not as idyllic as it sounds. The basketball court is often raucous, the dribbling making me feel like someone is thumping my head relentlessly, again and again. But during the day, when the sun is out, for the most part, I am greeted by silence, an odd bird that flits around, and very busy dogs being walked by slumbering owners.
I look forward to that silence. Which is why two weeks ago, I was irritated to hear that annoying ‘thump thump’ again at 11 am. “Aren’t these kids at school or college?” I muttered.
But it wasn’t kids.
Dribbling the ball and running around in sheer joy were a couple. They look to be in their 60s. A husband and wife. The husband tries his best to throw 3-pointers, does dramatic stretches, and walks with a lumbering gait. The wife runs around, her salwar flailing in the wind, laughing as they repeatedly fail to net the ball.
They move from one end of the court to the other, half-running, half-walking – and I watch, a voyeur to their joy, wishing I could join them.

They play for about 30 mins before tiring, and silence reigns again. But they come back. Every day for their play.
Since watching them, I realized that this is one thing I have forgotten in life: play.
For a person who takes everything too seriously, fun and play have always been intangible invisibles that hang around in the background. I am too intense for my own good.
Since then, I haven’t exactly taken a basketball and gone around dribbling. But I am learning to give more time to:
🔹Laughter (especially at myself)
🔹The ease of the grass tickling my feet
🔹5 minutes every day spent aimlessly just sitting and staring at the leaves of happy trees
🔹Conversations and connections, both random and rambling, with anyone and everyone
And mostly to not take things so seriously all the time. 🐒
Funny how a room with a view can provide you with a view of your own life.
How do you incorporate play into your life? How has this year been for you?
I have had a marathon; a new company (Metta Media Pvt Ltd), lovely, interesting interactions with freelance writers, travel, 1 annoying pest, 1 therapy session, and 145 minutes of peace.
You do have a beautiful view which is a gift. As to basketball, I completely agree that it can be annoying as hell. Karen and I set up our tent at the recreation area at Marine Camp Pendelton expecting an evening listening to the gentle waves of the Pacific nearby. What we listened to was a bunch of young guys thumping basketballs on the court 50 feet from our tent. This went on until 0100 when I guess they all went off for a beer. I can feel your pain.
Love the couple having fun enjoying a game of senior basketball.
Live, love, laugh and be happy,
Haha, Dave. No matter what changes in this world, your humor doesn’t. Hahahah.