Some Fun. Most Learn.


That’s my life so far. Not that many are interested in finding out these little bits about my life, but I go on anyway. The soulful warrior out to paste these little thoughts from some inane corner of my mind, and herald it from the rooftops of the Internet. That’s me. Yeah. Since the Sunday […]

March 10, 2011

Jin Li Street


Right on time, Yoke (that’s not his name, just a phonetic approximation of his German name), knocked on the door. Dawei was ready too, and we thought we had to wait for Chun, the South Korean student to join in. Yoke had a surprise – he invited an Italian girl called Roberta with the R […]

March 6, 2011

The Pinnacle and the Abyss


It is around 7:30 when Mr Lin, the tracksuit Red Bull energy bar, knocks on our door. He is already ready to leave, they are taking the bus down. Vikl and Ren Tao groan…and so do we. It is barely light outside, but the summit beckons. I think, rather foolishly, that the summit must be […]

March 2, 2011

Climbing…and Climbing…and Climbing


After the frustration of day before, it was 7 40AM when we set off from Wuxiangang Parking lot. The students we met warn us that to climb the summit on foot is ‘dangerous.’ “It’s very cold up there,” they say. Take the bus, they urge. “Oh well, we are crazy, ” I laugh. Sigh. I […]

February 28, 2011

Losing The Way


I sit here in my room with the temperature slowly warming up. Spring is almost here even though it snowed in Beijing yesterday, and many parts of Tibet and Mongolia expect heavy snowfall over the next week. But not in Chengdu. On Wednesday, when I left the university for Xinnanmen Bus Station, I didn’t know […]

February 27, 2011

Endings and Beginnings


A few years ago – was it almost 6 or 7 years ago? – when I left China I wrote to a good friend of mine about the ending of one stay – she wrote back saying that all endings are beginnings. It stuck in my head. Just as one thing turns over to an […]

February 12, 2011



Ah, I have spent the last two weeks (has it been that long since I wrote here?) being ill. I have been afflicted with a strange bug that doctors have taken two tests to find out and now still require another third one before they find out what it is. So I wait. And now, […]

September 28, 2007

Perhaps I Never Knew


I hyper-ventilated with anger last night. Shivered. Down to the core of my being. It was all a bout of SMSing with that Asshole – but I am more at peace now. I know that he will never heal from the scars that I can inflict on him. It leaves me feeling that at least […]

August 6, 2007

Sunday Search


For the second time, I boarded the Star Ferry. A cultural icon by itself, the ride is all too short for the views it offers. And the price well, the best rides almost come free! Today was the day I met John again. Old friend of mine who had helped me out as a total […]

July 1, 2007