I am sorry - I don't really have a personal connection with Ruskin Bond. I so hope your niece got…
On Meeting Ruskin Bond
True. So many good things happened.
On The Angels In Our Life
Indeed. This constellation knows that you are the star that never went out of the sky - just faded for…
On The Lucky Star
I think I am learning too - I get uncomfortable with silence and try to say too much. My therapist,…
On The Power Of Listening From A Rabbit
Wow. What a quote. "Just listening is fixing." Like what were you smoking? Haha. I need this as a tagline…
On The Power Of Listening From A Rabbit
I hope you enjoyed your trip? 🙂 Did you see his house? On another note, how did you land on…
On Meeting Ruskin Bond
I DON'T HAVE IT. I HAVEN'T READ IT! Pah. Since you are so stuffy, I think my Mumbai reader is…
On Sashaying With Sushi
Trying to, Poodle. Trying to.
On Sashaying With Sushi
Haha. It was indeed.I want 'Sweet Bean Paste.' You MUST buy it for me. The book.
On Sashaying With Sushi
Haha, Dave. I doubt very much I can stay up haha. And as for the beer, been a while since…
On New Beginnings