What’s Coffee But A Dream?


I fulfilled a lifelong dream this weekend. I had a cup of steaming Nescafe coffee. As far as dreams go, that may seem ridiculous. But bear with me. There’s a story. A story of hiding our wishes behind the facades of life. A story of ignoring a little voice that tells you it’s ok. What […]

October 5, 2021

A Play Of Light And Dark


I stepped out yesterday on my own for the first time after Covid. It was unusually humid in Bangalore – the air sticky with the damp of possible rain, but the sun shining through it. As I drove into the Metro parking station, my mind went back to Feb – the last time I had […]

September 21, 2021

One Question. Many Answers.


What would I tell my younger self? My friend, AM, and I pondered this question over a weekend.  This musing came about because of the soul-soothing newsletter from Viv&Ami from The Wishing Chair, a women-led, self-funded, home decor brand. Their no-sales weekly newsletter, ‘Delights of Distraction,’ is one of the reasons I open my email. […]

September 18, 2021

An Open Letter To A Closed Alphabet


I had shut this website for a week in September.  But. I didn’t close this blog for a week because I was scared. I know the tender marrow of fear very well, but I am choosing to make friends with it.  I am choosing to trust that when people promise me their protection, I should […]

September 16, 2021

Healing Through Pain


For my Sunday long runs, I usually take a very scenic route on the outskirts of Bangalore. It’s a Bangalore far away from the noise, chaos, and dust. Here, hills loom in the distance. A lake laps away lazily. Yawning puppies nip at my feet. Startled cows stop their grazing to gaze. Birds get busy […]

September 8, 2021

Meeting Resilience


“I don’t know where I find resilience, honestly. Some days I find it; some days, I don’t. It looks different each day.” – Kirthi Jayakumar Late last year, I had to ghostwrite on gender gaps in technology for a celebrity client. I had been writing for this client for a while, yet I was never […]

August 11, 2021

Clouds And Blue


I woke up in the morning and went for a long, tiring interval run. I messed up the run settings on my smartwatch and had to manually set intervals each time, making the run a frustrating experience.  I then missed breakfast and went to meet a friend before she left for work.  I spent an […]

July 21, 2021

Remembering Socks


It was a mild morning in Bangalore, overcast and heavy with the perfume of rain when I stepped out for my run. The city was yet to wake. I turned around the corner, and that’s when I saw him. A black shape curled up against a car’s tire.  It was Socks, a street dog I […]

June 25, 2021