
Everyday / Sunday, September 6th, 2009

Circles of sandpaper trail across
All the pieces of life I own
The yawning gaps of
Churning memories
Leaving their scars
Across the interned
Remains of the soul.

Thousand forms of dusk
Part brittle tender husks
Mellowed in wine of the past
And cherished in the seed of hope
Through the dark jagged river
Flowing green through my mind.

A mind that runs its walk
On avenues of paved desires
Wearing the leaves of experience
With disdain and despair

Yet casting a net of light
Gentle and masked
Behind these caves of dark
Are all the suns of our lives
Shadows of laughter
Crystal constellations of warmth
Reminding me through
Through and through
That life is
Beyond the mind
Beyond the soul

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