In Grace We Are

Mental Health, Musings

It’s early Sunday morning. One of our clients wants to “talk.” I am nervous. We had a bit of an uncomfortable discussion around payment on Friday. I call them.  She picks up. “I want to say that we are truly sorry. We allowed our biases to creep in. We talk so much about biases, but […]

February 4, 2024

To Choose To Live

Featured, Musings

Let me tell you a story. A travel story. In 2003, I was teaching Spoken English in a tiny city called Lianyungang, China.  It was the first time I was in a foreign country. Living by myself. Teaching a language I wasn’t confident speaking. And had narrowly escaped the confines of a Chinese prison. (A story […]

January 25, 2024

The Start Is Just As Important

Musings, Running

My left knee throbs as I write this. It reminds me of its existence, a sudden flare-up of a pain I have been managing for 1.5 months now. Pointed stars of pain. I am used to it, but the thing about pain is that it always hurts. In 3 days, I will run my first […]

January 17, 2024