The Pinnacle and the Abyss


It is around 7:30 when Mr Lin, the tracksuit Red Bull energy bar, knocks on our door. He is already ready to leave, they are taking the bus down. Vikl and Ren Tao groan…and so do we. It is barely light outside, but the summit beckons. I think, rather foolishly, that the summit must be […]

March 2, 2011

Climbing…and Climbing…and Climbing


After the frustration of day before, it was 7 40AM when we set off from Wuxiangang Parking lot. The students we met warn us that to climb the summit on foot is ‘dangerous.’ “It’s very cold up there,” they say. Take the bus, they urge. “Oh well, we are crazy, ” I laugh. Sigh. I […]

February 28, 2011

Losing The Way


I sit here in my room with the temperature slowly warming up. Spring is almost here even though it snowed in Beijing yesterday, and many parts of Tibet and Mongolia expect heavy snowfall over the next week. But not in Chengdu. On Wednesday, when I left the university for Xinnanmen Bus Station, I didn’t know […]

February 27, 2011

A Flower


I am back from an exhilarating and excruciatingly painful journey to Emei Shan. Trip report of that will come shortly, but first I must go back a week. Last Sunday, I went to Tianfu Square, which is the center of Chengdu. I had mentioned then that the Square was just crawling with cops. It seemed […]

February 26, 2011

Some Other Faces


Finally, after a few days of seeing just Birdy, I get to meet a few of the other foreigners here. Just around the corner of the university gates are a few restaurants. Many of them are run by Muslims. Probably because Xinjiang Province is close by. They are quite distinctive from Han Chinese. You can […]

February 22, 2011

Jiali Fu


That’s Carrefour in Chinese. A short 1-km walk from the university gates, and there it was. It being a Monday, there was not much of a crowd. Our purpose in walking here was to find a towel, or maojin as it is called in Chinese. A bath towel, if you please. What I like about […]

February 22, 2011

Wenshu Yuan


Today morning dawned…well, no different from the other yesterdays. Chengdu seems to be almost always dreary. I haven’t seen a blue sky yet. Dark. Grey. A hint of rain. Damp. That is about it for the weather. I wonder what job a weather forecaster would have here. Weather forecast for tomorrow? Wet, cold and chance […]

February 20, 2011

Hot and Cold


It’s around 8 degrees Celsius. My fingers move slowly across the keyboard. There is no heating in this room apart from an AC, and the roof needs a new roofing, if you are looking for the best roofing experts you could try here. I sit  here, clad in my full-length jacket. Outside, the sky is […]

February 19, 2011