An Ode To My Valentines


February is the month of love, isn’t it? That Hallmark-magnetized celebration on February 14th?It’s only fitting that I tell you I celebrate this month with not one Valentine but five.  I am not polyamorous, but these Valentines are my forever corners – I go to bed knowing they have my back.  Meet my Valentines: Voozy […]

February 28, 2023

Rewiring Our Memories


That’s me at the Thiruvanmiyur beach in Chennai last week. Let me tell you a story about that bench.  Our memories are transitory. They shift and change. And as we grow into them, their character changes. Scientists know that our memories are fallible.  They also know that the brain is hardwired to remember the bad […]

May 14, 2022

Celebrating March 6, 2016


You are interested in this post? Read this first? Hello Mumbai Reader, I addressed you in one of my previous posts. Sadly, that seemed to have escaped your attention. So, here I am, looking at my Google Analytics and realizing that 30% of all traffic and pageviews come from Mumbai. By itself, it’s ok. But most of […]

March 6, 2022

The Joy Of Connecting


I took my Mom to a local exhibition yesterday—one of those local “arts and crafts” fairs that dot our cities. It was one of the few times she has been outside since her recovery from Covid. My heart was pounding when I parked the car. There were unmasked people everywhere, and the memory of beeping […]

October 21, 2021

What’s Coffee But A Dream?


I fulfilled a lifelong dream this weekend. I had a cup of steaming Nescafe coffee. As far as dreams go, that may seem ridiculous. But bear with me. There’s a story. A story of hiding our wishes behind the facades of life. A story of ignoring a little voice that tells you it’s ok. What […]

October 5, 2021

Remembering Socks


It was a mild morning in Bangalore, overcast and heavy with the perfume of rain when I stepped out for my run. The city was yet to wake. I turned around the corner, and that’s when I saw him. A black shape curled up against a car’s tire.  It was Socks, a street dog I […]

June 25, 2021

The Kindness Of Memories


I was rummaging through my wardrobe shelves, looking for a charger for my phone, when I found a bunch of old photo albums. I randomly opened one of them, and I smiled as the first photo stared back at me. There I was. Back in 2002, teaching English in an international school in Bangalore with […]

February 18, 2021

Sharing The Tastes Of Home


I am a reluctant writer. And an even more reluctant sharer of what I write. I am the sort of person who will write a novel in a frenzy in 30 days, and then delay sending a pitch to a publisher for 300 days.  Also, I am a shy person, and I really can’t believe […]

July 8, 2020

Where’s The Faith? Walking The Camino


It’s a walk of faith, I tell myself. I would walk 800-km from France to Spain to find faith. A walk to dispel my inner cynicism and believe in the essential goodness of humanity. That walk is the Camino de Santiago, an ancient pilgrim trail that starts in different places in Europe, culminating in the […]

September 10, 2019