I have never been good at creating anything except with words. This prompt was probably the toughest for me, so far from the DecemberReflections2016 challenge. I woke up on a Saturday, wondering what I could probably “create.”
As I went downstairs to keep some stuff in my car, I saw a white and black feather on the ground. Must be from one of the pigeons, I thought. Then, I thought, maybe I can make something from this! I come upstairs and I see that there are three ice cream spoons from a beloved ice cream expedition. Should I make something with the spoons and the feather? The thought stays where it is, but even as I look at it, I could only pen words in my head. Ask me to write about a feather, I can. Ask me to write about three wooden spoons, I can. Ask me to create something tangible from those, I struggle. I leave the feather and the spoons aside and go back to my parents’ house.
I search for my camera in my wardrobe, thinking maybe I can create something with a photo. What pops out is a garbage bag. It’s a humongous bag, and I have twisted it around to fit in the wardrobe. As I look at it, I meddle around with it, trying to make it look like a voodoo doll. I hang it by the window and I smile at the symbolism of it.

We can make something out of anything, isn’t it? Even garbage bags.
When you find that your life is filled with trash, don’t just throw the trash out, make something from it.
You never know what you can make out of anything.
What can you make from trashy people in your life? Throw them out? Or cast a light of understanding and make something out of that light for your mind? Can you make love and compassion even when you are treated like trash?
What can you make from trashy thoughts? Can you make a burial ground for those?
What can you make of your fears?
What can you make of your dreams?